
公众对小企业的看法可以直接影响它的成功. 企业衡量自己在公众心目中的地位最简单的方法之一就是通过在线评论准确地研究他们必须说些什么.

为了进一步了解在线评论对企业主的价值, 我们邀请了FLCBank市场部的专业人士提供他们的专业见解.

FLCB: What is an online business review?

AS: 在线商业评论是客户对任何企业或品牌的体验的声音和发表的意见. Basically, 这是公众对他们正在审查的企业和其他消费者的对话反馈. Reviews are everywhere—they can be on a range of topics. Customers can review products, movie-goers can review a theatre, and even employees can review work environments. 无论企业向公众提供什么,都会获得意见——评论只是在开放空间中交流意见的一种方法.

FLCB: Why should a business owner care about online reviews?

AS: If a business owner cares about the reputation of their business, they should care about online reviews. These opinions, whether positive or negative, 你的客户在与你的bet365买球官网app互动后所体验的是真实的吗. 当客户对你的bet365买球官网app有足够强烈的感觉,要么自愿成为你的形象大使,要么发出反对你的警告信号, 在未来的运营中实施这些评论将符合该所有者的最佳利益.

FLCB: How can reviews impact your business?

AS: A good review from a trusted reviewer can bring in more business; transversely, when a business is littered with well-earned, negative reviews, 它告诉消费者,这是一个不值得他们花钱的产品或服务,他们会对这次购买感到失望. 虽然一两个负面评论可能不会对你的bet365买球官网app造成伤害, 当同样的抱怨来自不同的客户时,这就成了一个问题. It could be a deterrent to potential new customers, 它还可以突出你的操作或产品中你不知道的漏洞.


AS要做的第一件事就是向评审人员提出这个问题——不要太害怕或太骄傲,不敢问客户具体的问题是什么. Sometimes the reviewer may be a “troll,” (someone who is negative online just to be so), 但其他时候,企业所有者能够洞察到他们错过了什么, allowing them to restructure and improve.

Business owners should never engage in online arguments. Regardless of whether or not the reviewer is actually a troll, 或者在特定情况下,企业所有者是对的, online arguments will only do a business harm.

FLCB: Where are reviews found?

AS当前位置有大量的在线网站致力于让消费者表达他们对产品的意见. 它们包括星级评分、评论部分和包含视觉效果的空间. 企业也会发现自己在社交媒体平台上受到评论, like Facebook, using the same communication ratings.


AS: Business owners can (and should!) ask their customers to review their experience. A simple ask at the end of a transaction is normal and common; a business owner may even consider including a survey or a place to leave comments in scheduled email newsletters. As long as the request is natural and not forceful, 企业主应该对自己提供的服务有足够的信心来寻求反馈.

Asking for a review can help build credibility for your business. 当潜在客户在网上研究一个企业,发现大多数人都有一个积极的经验, 潜在客户更有可能转化为购买客户.


企业所有者如何看待他或她的企业以及公众如何接受它可能会有所不同. 评论是所有者直接了解用户想法的一种方式. While the results may not always be positive, 网站所有者可以将在线评论作为改进和更好地服务用户的工具.